
API Reference



Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta1 API group

Resource Types


Explorer is the Schema for the explorers API

Appears in: - ExplorerList

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string Explorer
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ExplorerSpec
status ExplorerStatus


ExplorerCondition defines the observed condition of Explorer resource

Appears in: - ExplorerStatus

Field Description
type ExplorerConditionType Type is the type of the condition. Possible values are Idle, etc
status ConditionStatus Status is the status of the condition type. Possible values of type Idle are True
message string Message is the reason of the status
lastTransitionTime Time LastTransitionTime is the last time the status was changed
lastProbeTime Time LastProbeTime is the last time the condition was probed


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - ExplorerCondition


ExplorerList contains a list of Explorer

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string ExplorerList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Explorer array


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - ExplorerSpec


ExplorerSpec defines the desired state of Explorer

Appears in: - Explorer

Field Description
storageType StorageType Type of storage, only pvc is supported for now.
storageName string Name of the StorageType instance.
runMode ExplorerRunMode
scheduler SchedulePolicy


ExplorerStatus defines the observed state of Explorer

Appears in: - Explorer

Field Description
conditions ExplorerCondition array Conditions is an array of current conditions
codeServer ResourceStatus
fileBrowser ResourceStatus


PodReference refers to a replica.

Appears in: - PodStatus

Field Description
name string Name of the Pod.
uid string UID of the Pod.


Pod defines the observed state of a replica.

Appears in: - ResourceStatus

Field Description
reference PodReference References to the subordinate v1.Pod.
phase PodPhase Replicated from the corresponding field in the subordinate v1.Pod.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - ResourceStatus


Appears in: - ExplorerStatus

Field Description
phase ResourcePhase
pod PodStatus


SchedulePolicy specifies preferences for resource allocation requests, including the name of the preferred scheduler and additional configuration parameters.

Appears in: - ExplorerSpec

Field Description
t9kScheduler T9kScheduler


Underlying type: string

StorageType is the type of storage volume.

Appears in: - ExplorerSpec


Appears in: - SchedulePolicy

Field Description
queue string Name of the resource Queue of a T9kScheduler.