
API Reference



Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta1 API group

Resource Types


S3Config defines the config of s3

Appears in: - StorageShimSpec

Field Description
uri string


SecretReference defines a Secret Reference

Appears in: - StorageShimSpec

Field Description
name string


StorageShim is the Schema for the storageshims API

Appears in: - StorageShimList

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string StorageShim
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec StorageShimSpec
status StorageShimStatus


StorageShimCondition contains details for the current condition of this StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShimStatus

Field Description
type StorageShimConditionType Type is the type of the condition
status ConditionStatus Status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.
message string Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.
lastTransitionTime Time Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.


Underlying type: string

StorageShimConditionType is a valid value for StorageShimCondition.Type

Appears in: - StorageShimCondition


StorageShimList contains a list of StorageShim

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string StorageShimList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items StorageShim array


StorageShimSpec defines the desired state of StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShim

Field Description
s3 S3Config S3 defines the config of s3, such as uri
readOnly boolean Specifies a read-only configuration. Defaults to false.
secretRef SecretReference Specifies a secret reference, must be in the same namespace of this StorageShim currently


StorageShimStatus defines the observed state of StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShim

Field Description
phase PersistentVolumeClaimPhase The phase of this StorageShim
conditions StorageShimCondition array Conditions is an array of current conditions


Package v1beta2 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta2 API group

Resource Types


CephFSClient defines the client configurations to connnect to the cephfs server.

Appears in: - CephFSConfig

Field Description
secretRef SecretReference SecretRef references a Kubernetes v1.Secret object that securely stores the CephFS client configurations.


CephFSConfig defines configuration details for a cephfs storage system.

Appears in: - StorageShimSpec

Field Description
path string Path specifies the absolute path within a CephFS volume to be mounted. It should be a valid directory path within the mounted volume. For example, /path/to/directory.
server CephFSServer Server provides the configuration details for the CephFS cluster. This includes information such as the Ceph monitor IP addresses and the CephFS volume name.
client CephFSClient Client defines the details of a cephFS client.


CephFSServer defines the configuration details for the CephFS cluster.

Appears in: - CephFSConfig

Field Description
configMapRef ConfigMapReference ConfigMapRef defines a reference to a K8s v1/configmap that stores CephFS cluster details such as the Ceph monitor IP addresses and the CephFS volume name.


ConfigMapReference defines a Kubernetes v1.ConfigMap reference.

Appears in: - CephFSServer

Field Description
name string Name of the configmap.
namespace string Namespace where the configmap resides in.


S3Config defines the configuration details for an S3 object storage service.

Appears in: - StorageShimSpec

Field Description
readOnly boolean Specifies that this S3 service can only be used as read-only. Defaults to false.
uri string The S3 prefix to mount, specified as s3://<bucket>[/path].
secretRef SecretReference References a Kubernetes v1.Secret object. The referenced Secret must reside in the same namespace as the referencing StorageShim.


SecretReference defines a reference to a Kubernetes v1.Secret object.

Appears in: - CephFSClient - S3Config

Field Description
name string The name of a Kubernetes v1.Secret object that holds the CephFS client configurations. This Secret must reside within the same namespace as the referencing StorageShim.


StorageShim is the Schema for the storageshims API

Appears in: - StorageShimList

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta2
kind string StorageShim
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec StorageShimSpec
status StorageShimStatus


StorageShimCondition contains details for the current condition of this StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShimStatus

Field Description
type StorageShimConditionType Type is the type of the condition
status ConditionStatus Status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.
message string Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.
lastTransitionTime Time Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.


Underlying type: string

StorageShimConditionType is a valid value for StorageShimCondition.Type

Appears in: - StorageShimCondition


StorageShimList contains a list of StorageShim

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta2
kind string StorageShimList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items StorageShim array


StorageShimSpec defines the desired state of StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShim

Field Description
type StorageShimType Type specifies the type of storage system to be integrated with. One of the supported values is required, and currently cephfs, s3 are supported. More storage system types will be added in the future.
s3 S3Config S3 defines the configuration details for an s3 object store service.
cephfs CephFSConfig CephFS defines the configuraitons for a cephfs.


StorageShimStatus defines the observed state of StorageShim

Appears in: - StorageShim

Field Description
phase PersistentVolumeClaimPhase The phase of this StorageShim.
conditions StorageShimCondition array Conditions represent an array of current conditions observed within the system.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - StorageShimSpec