
API Reference



Package v1beta1 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta1 API group

Resource Types


Appears in: - ProjectStatus

Field Description
deployment EventDeploymentStatus


Appears in: - EventControllerStatus

Field Description
name string
readyReplicas integer
podStatus EventPodStatus


Appears in: - EventDeploymentStatus

Field Description
name string
uid UID
phase PodPhase


Appears in: - ProjectSpec

Field Description
useDefaultTemplate boolean If true, the default NetworkPolicy defined by the administrator will be applied.
template NetworkPolicyTemplate A NethworkPolicy defined for this project.


Appears in: - NetworkPolicy

Field Description
spec NetworkPolicySpec


Project is the Schema for the projects API

Appears in: - ProjectList

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string Project
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ProjectSpec
status ProjectStatus


Appears in: - ProjectStatus

Field Description
type ProjectConditionType Type is the type of the condition.
status ConditionStatus Status is the status of the condition. Can be True, False, Unknown.
lastUpdateTime Time Last time we probed the condition.
lastTransitionTime Time Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
reason string Unique, one-word, CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition.
message string Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - ProjectCondition


ProjectList contains a list of Project

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string ProjectList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Project array


ProjectSpec defines the desired state of Project

Appears in: - Project

Field Description
resourceQuota ResourceQuota
networkPolicy NetworkPolicy
quotaProfile string
defaultScheduler SchedulePolicy DefaultScheduler defines the default scheduler and queue information for the project. It is just a configuration information, the controller does not need to do anything.


ProjectStatus defines the observed state of Project

Appears in: - Project

Field Description
conditions ProjectCondition array
eventController EventControllerStatus
resourceQuota ResourceQuotaStatus


QuotaProfile is the Schema for the quotaprofiles API. This API resource represents a template for project/namespace resource quota specifications, defined as an instance of corev1.ResourceQuotaSpec.

Appears in: - QuotaProfileList

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string QuotaProfile
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec ResourceQuotaSpec


QuotaProfileList contains a list of QuotaProfile

Field Description
apiVersion string tensorstack.dev/v1beta1
kind string QuotaProfileList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items QuotaProfile array


Appears in: - ProjectSpec

Field Description
template ResourceQuotaTemplate A corev1.ResourceQuota defined for this project.


Appears in: - ProjectStatus

Field Description
name string
ResourceQuotaStatus ResourceQuotaStatus


Appears in: - ResourceQuota

Field Description
spec ResourceQuotaSpec


SchedulePolicy specifies preferences for resource allocation requests, including the name of the preferred scheduler and additional configuration parameters.

Appears in: - ProjectSpec

Field Description
t9kScheduler T9kScheduler


Appears in: - SchedulePolicy

Field Description
queue string Name of the resource Queue of a T9kScheduler.