

Branch(asset: Union[t9k.ah.core.Model, t9k.ah.core.Dataset], name: str, commit_id: str)

Represents a branch of Asset.


  • path (str)

    Path of the branch.

  • asset (Union[t9k.ah.core.Model, t9k.ah.core.Dataset])

    A Model or Dataset instance corresponding to the Asset that the branch belongs to.

  • kind (str)

    A string 'branch'.

  • name (str)

    Name of the branch.

  • commit_id (str)

    ID of the commit that the branch points to.

  • alive (bool)

    Whether the branch is alive.


  • t9k.ah.core._Ref



create_commit(self, msg: str, delete: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, add: Union[Sequence[str], Mapping[str, str], None] = None, force: bool = False) > Optional[t9k.ah.core.Commit]

Commits changes to this branch.

First delete, then add.


Add a file as object to this branch:

branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add=['model.pt'])

Specify a path in Asset for a file to add:

branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add={'model.pt': 'saved_model/'})

Add all files under a directory as objects (with the directory):

branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add=['./saved_model'])

Add all files under a directory as objects (without the directory):

branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add=['./saved_model/*'])

Specify a path in Asset for a directory to add:

branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add={'./saved_model': 'path/to/[saved_model]'})
# or
branch.create_commit(msg='add ...', add={'./saved_model': 'path/to/renamed_dir'})

Delete an object from this branch:

branch.create_commit(msg='delete ...', delete=['model.pt'])

Delete all objects under the specified path:

branch.create_commit(msg='delete ...', delete=['saved_model/'])


  • msg (str)

    Commit message.

  • delete (Optional[Sequence[str]])

    Files or directories to delete from the branch, can be a sequence of paths in branch or None. If empty sequence or None, delete nothing. If the files or directories to delete do not exist, do nothing (rather than raise an error). Here format a/.../b signifies a file, while a/.../b/ signifies a directory.

  • add (Union[Sequence[str], Mapping[str, str], None])

    Files or directories to add to the branch, can be a sequence of local paths, a mapping from local paths to their paths in Asset, or None. If empty sequence, empty mapping or None, add nothing.

  • force (bool)

    Whether to create a new commit if unknown changes or unimplemented changes are found.


A Commit instance representing created commit if changes are commited, None if not.


create_tag(self, name: str) > t9k.ah.core.Tag

Creates a tag that points to this branch.


  • name (str)

    Name of the tag.


A Tag instance representing created tag.


delete(self) > None

Deletes this branch.


download(self, paths: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, save_dir: str = '.') > None

Downloads objects of this branch.


  • paths (Optional[Sequence[str]])

    Files or directories to download from this branch, is a sequence of paths in branch. Here format a/.../b signifies a file while a/.../b/ signifies a directory. Defaults to all objects.

  • save_dir (str)

    Local directory which objects are downloaded to. If the directory does not exist, create it. Defaults to current working directory.


get_commit(self, index: Optional[int] = None, id: Optional[str] = None) > t9k.ah.core.Commit

Gets a commit of this branch.

If neither index or id is provided, return the last commit. If both index and id are provided, id will not be used.


  • index (Optional[int])

    Index of the commit in this branch, 0 for the last commit, -1 for the first commit.

  • id (Optional[str])

    A prefix of ID of the commit.


A Commit instance representing retrieved commit.


list_commit(self) > List[Dict[str, Any]]

Lists commits of this branch.


list_object(self) > List[Dict[str, Any]]

Lists objects of this branch.


merge(self) > None

Merges this branch to the main branch.

Here, the specific operation of "merge" involves deleting all objects from the main branch and then copying all objects from this branch to the main branch.

Note that this branch itself cannot be the main branch.


reset(self) > None

Resets this branch to clear all uncommitted changes.