

Artifact(metadata: Dict[str, Any], objects: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None)

Implementation of Artifact, a set of files that a Run inputs or outputs.


  • metadata (Dict[str, Any])

    Metadata to initialize a new Artifact.

  • objects (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]])

    Data of objects of the Artifact.


  • name (str)

    Name of the Artifact.

  • labels (List[str])

    Labels of the Artifact.

  • description (str)

    Description of the Artifact.

  • created_timestamp (str)

    Created timestamp of the Artifact.

  • alternative_name (str)

    Alternative name of the Artifact.

  • objects (List[Dict[str, str]])

    Data of objects of the Artifact.

  • remote (List[Dict[str, str]])

    Upload and download history of the Artifact.

  • local (str)

    Local directory of the Artifact.



add_dir(self, dir_path: str, obj_path: Optional[str] = None) > None

Adds all files under a local directory as objects of the Artifact.

The directory will be copied to local directory of the Artifact, the specific subpath depends on its obj_path, for example:

# dir copied to `<local-dir>/a`
# or
# or
artifact.add_dir(dir_path='a/', obj_path='a')

# dir copied to `<local-dir>/b/a`
artifact.add_dir(dir_path='a/', obj_path='b/')
# or
artifact.add_dir(dir_path='a/', obj_path='b/a')


add_file(self, file_path: str, obj_path: Optional[str] = None) > None

Adds a local file as an object of the Artifact.

The file will be copied to local directory of the Artifact, the specific subpath depends on its object path, for example:

# file copied to `<local-dir>/1.png`
# or
artifact.add_file(file_path='1.png', obj_path='1.png')

# file copied to `<local-dir>/a/1.png`
artifact.add_file(file_path='1.png', obj_path='a/')
# or
artifact.add_file(file_path='1.png', obj_path='a/1.png')


add_reference(self, uri: str, obj_path: Optional[str] = None) > None

Adds a URI as an object reference to the Artifact.


parse_from_dict(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) > None

Parses an Artifact instance from a dict.


to_dict(self) > Dict[str, Any]

Converts Artifact instance to a dict and returns it.


upload(self, folder: str = 'default', make_folder: bool = False, conflict_strategy: str = 'new') > None

Uploads this Artifact to server.


  • folder (str)

    Path of the Folder to which the Artifact is uploaded. If the provided path does not start with '/', /<current-user>/ is prepended to it.

  • make_folder (bool)

    If True and Folder with path folder does not exist, make the Folder and parent Folders as needed.

  • conflict_strategy (str)

    Strategy adopted when an Artifact with the same name as the Artifact to be uploaded already exists in the Folder, must be 'skip', 'error', 'new' or 'replace'. If 'skip', skip the upload; if 'error', error out; if 'new', upload with the alternative name of Artifact; if 'replace', delete the existing Artifact and upload.