

load_run(path: str, auto_upload: bool = False, folder: str = 'default', make_folder: bool = False, conflict_strategy: str = 'new') > t9k.em.run.Run

Loads a Run from local or server.

This function will first search for the corresponding local path, followed by remote path. If the path is not found in either location, raise a RuntimeError.

In the case of the remote path, if the provided path does not start with '/', /<current-user>/ is prepended to it.


Load by local path:


Load by remote path:



  • path (str)

    Local directory of the Run, or path of the Run in server.

  • auto_upload (bool)

    Whether to upload the Run and its data automatically and asynchronously. If False, all of the following args will not be used.

  • folder (str)

    Path of the Folder to which the Run is uploaded. If the provided path does not start with '/', /<current-user>/ is prepended to it. If auto_upload is False, this arg will not be used.

  • make_folder (bool)

    If True and Folder with path folder does not exist, make the Folder and parent Folders as needed. If auto_upload is False, this arg will not be used.

  • conflict_strategy (str)

    Strategy adopted when a Run with the same name as the Run to be uploaded already exists in the Folder, must be 'skip', 'error', 'new' or 'replace'. If 'skip', skip the upload; if 'error', error out; if 'new', upload with the alternative name of Run; if 'replace', delete the existing Run and upload. If auto_upload is False, this arg will not be used.


A Run instance loaded.